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WP Fluent Forms

Featured on WP Fluent Forms

WP Fluent Forms is the fastest WordPress form builder crafted by WP Manage Ninja. They started to feature some amazing women and their stories. I am so proud to share my story with WP Fluent Forms. You can read the story here.


Featured on WP Juicer

WP Juicer tells you everything you need to know, like WordPress themes, plugins, WooCommerce, Experts, Developers, WordCamps, & much more. Also, it has started sharing WP Contributor's interview series to encourage even more people to be part of WordPress. I am so proud to share my story with WP Juicer. You can read it here.


Featured on WordCamp Europe 2020 Contribution Stories

Without contributors, there would, of course, be no Contributor Day, and no WordPress. So, WordCamp Europe 2020 started sharing contribution stories to encourage even more people to be part of the event, to pick up new skills and to use their talents to make WordPress even better. I am so proud that #WCEU shared my contribution story on their blog. You can read it here.


Featured on Yoast

Yoast started Yoast Care, the Yoast Community Appreciation Rewards. So from now on, every year, Yoast pledges at least $25,000 to Yoast Care. This money will be  distributed over the 'winners' of Yoast Care (approx. 50 people per year). I was honored to get this yoast care fund. You can read my interview here.


Featured on SKT Themes

SKT Themes started WordPress interviews series to share WordPress geeks's stories around the world. Here you can read my interview.


Featured on WPCoffeeTalk

WPCoffeeTalk introduces you to others all over the world just like you – using and making a living with WordPress. This is the best ways to get to know someone is to sit down over coffee and “shoot the breeze.” Michelle Ames the lady behind WPCoffeeTalk, is a WCUS Organizer, Speaker, podcaster & Head of Customer Success at GiveWP. She invited me to share my journey at WPCoffeeTalk. You can listen my podcast episode at WPCoffeeTalk: Nidhi Jain.


Featured on HeroPress

HeroPress is an initiative started by Topher DeRossia, is a great source of inspiration for getting and staying involved in WordPress. I can say that I follow it rigorously. HeroPress gave me a chance to share my story with all around the world. You can read my essay titled "There is no shortcut to success!" on HeroPress.